Sales Management Coaching vs Management Training

Sales management coaching markedly improves sales organizations. Yet few executives leverage this valuable tool. Sales management coaching differs from sales management training. Coaching involves working one-on-one with the sales manager, to identify areas where they excel and areas where they need improvement. A coach develops a customized plan to help a sales manager improve their capabilities and performance, as well as those of their team. Some examples of how a sales management coach works with a sales manager include:

  • Acting as a sounding board for ideas and initiatives
  • Listening non-critically and offering feedback about issues within the organization
  • Strategizing on ways to continually exceed quota
  • Improving their ability to provide salespeople with actionable advice

A sales management coach assists in developing a plan for:

  • Increasing each rep’s (and their own) earnings
  • Leading a staff of varied talent and tenure
  • Understanding the motivations of individual salespeople
  • Maximizing the talents of the team superstar
  • Transitioning from individual contributor (sales rep) to manager

By contrast, sales management training involves the teaching of a particular methodology to a group of sales managers in a classroom or online environment. An emphasis gets placed on specific terminology, a defined process, and templated sales management tools.

Sometimes people have the self-awareness to realize on their own that they could benefit from coaching. Other times, a manager suggests it because they realize it will help the individual improve their skill set. Many sales managers who have been coached look at the one-on-one work as a career enhancing experience

What else does a sales management coach do?